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Brooks Wilson's Economics Blog: Policy for Inequality?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Policy for Inequality?

Arthur Brooks, author of Gross National Happiness, writes,
About half of all American adults think economic inequality is a major problem, and about half of them do not. Do these two groups differ in some way that might explain the contrasting attitudes? As it turns out, their opinions cannot be explained by income, class, race, or education. Instead, what best predicts an individual’s views on income inequality is his or her beliefs about income mobility—that is, about whether Americans have opportunities to get ahead economically. And it is these beliefs about mobility, not beliefs about income inequality, that lie directly behind much happiness and unhappiness. Those who believe that they and other Americans can get ahead with hard work and perseverance—that America offers paths to success—are generally happy and unfazed by economic inequality. Those who think that economic mobility in the United States is an illusion are relatively unhappy and tend to complain about income inequality.
What policy implications does this statement suggest?


  1. Hard work will always be paid off. If you work hard, put time and effort in and have the drive, the sky is the limit. People who tend to moan and complain about the economic inequality, seem to be the ones who aren't working, have no education and are non-voting, so who's fault is it the they dont have money or anything? I believe its theirs, everyone is given the opportunity to succeed. Now if you take that opportunity thats up to you, "you can always lead a horse to water but cant make them drink". Everyone's opportunity is being in the U.S. The U.S. is still the forefront of success stories. Anyone who has nothing can have everything in America, if you work hard put forth the time and effort, you will be rewarded. It may not be a life of luxury or ease but it will be a life of happiness and enjoyment. You have to work for what you earn, nothing should be givin without something being done. You should have to work for everything you have.

  2. I agree with hornfan254. You have to work hard for what you want and in the long run it will pay off. It seems as if the people who say they have worked hard but still do not have economic inequality have only worked hard for a short period of time and did not see dramatic results so they quit. You should not be given everything in life because that is not America. It is the land where you can do anything and become anybody as long as you work hard.

  3. I think the people who believe they are victims of economic inequality tend to be unmotivated and lazy in their work habits. I think the people who work hard and are happy in their occupations tend to believe they will eventually be able to move up in their positions and therefore make more money. In order to get anywhere in life, you have to work for it. You will not be rewarded for sitting around waiting for someone to pat you on the head for doing the job you signed up for.

  4. I also agree with hornfan254, most people are given the same opportunitities but only some choose to pursue and make something of it. If you work hard and contribute the necessary time and effort success will most likley be your result. It seems that the people who complain most about the lack of what they recieve are the people who have not worked to deserve anything more.

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  7. It is amazing how so many people in society today expect everything for nothing. There are so many opportunities available to get ahead, you just have to put forth a little effort.

  8. Obviously everyone agreed with the side of "lets work hard and prosper".
    But in reality, it is so. I have worked in the workforce CONTINUOUSLY for over ten years while going to school full time. Since then my wages have doubled. I don't have a better degree, I just scrubbed toilets and handled jerks for customers for years.
    Yes some people will not get ahead no matter how hard they work, either they don't have the skills necessary for the position or they are in the wrong field or they smell funny, but Much more than half would be able to make more if they put down the remote. Getting to bed early and waking up so that you can be ready for work is the first step to making more money.

  9. I agree with the other students on the issue. Hard work and success pays off. People have choices in life that effect their economic stability forever such as going to college or not.At some point people have to take responsibility for their choices in life and stop looking for someone to blame.

  10. Detication, determination, and hard work are just three things in life that will get you somewhere. It doesn't matter where you grew up, your clothes, toys, school, or your parents income that determines where you'll end up. It's up to you to make the effort, even if you were financially disabled as a child, and get somwhere in life. But even if you get the better end of it and grow up not having a problem financially, you can lose it by not being wise about how you keep up with it. And if you always see the bad and never think positive you will never succeed. Then there are the ones who just need more education or just need to seek other field of work they may be better at and get higher in that field.

  11. Hard word will pay off even if its in the long run. For instance the hard work and money i put into getting a degree will greatly pay off in the long run.Hard work is not a short term thing for most. You've got to work hard for what you want or possiby get. People shouldn't be lazy and looking for hand outs when they are eligible to work. You got to work for what you want or more likely what you need.

  12. The people that work hard and put lots of effort and time into what they are trying to achieve are always going to be happier. That is because they have the satisfaction of accomplishing their goals and then know that anything is possible in America. The people that say that they don't have the same opportunities as the next person is most likely just lazy and isn't being handed what they desire. ANYONE in the U.S. can accomplish anything they set their mind to. The only difference is that some have easier roads than others but nonetheless anything is possible. So all these people that are complaining might think they have it tough because they are poor or from a bad home but really they have it easier in other aspects of life. If you look at going to college for instance, lower income families can send their kids to college for basically free. Those in the middle class might have had it easier growing up and enjoyed nicer things than the lower class, but paying for college is out of their pockets or working for scholarship money. So if you look at it it all balances out and everyone DOES have equal opportunity.

  13. If you want happiness and economic equality, you will have to work hard for it just like most other people. Most everybody is given the opportunity to succeed and have happiness but some do not choose to pursue that great opportunity and those are the ones that belly ache and complain about having economic hardships. Things do not come free for most people.

  14. Exactly what the article says-their opinions cannot be explained. There is no inequality. Everyone starts from the same point, and those who choose to be confident and work hard, get what they deserve in the end(a path to success). Those who choose to pull the "unfair-poor me" line are the ones who are no getting nowhere by slacking off and wanting someone else to do their work for them.

  15. Agreed with everyone else. You have to give in order to receive. I think it is rediculous how some people think they can get everything for free. Get out there and do something good for a change. It might make the society good for a change.

  16. Like the majority of the posts I agree with hornfan254. Everyone is born with the same opportunity to to be successful. Being born with the same economic equality is sort of a shady area though. Of course some people are born into more successful economies or households, but everyone has the ability to become successful. It all depends on the desire and hard work put forth by the individual to get there. I believe the people who put in the most work will ultimately reign over those who may have been born with a slight economic advantage. In the end, its your decision whether or not you will have a successful life.

  17. The half of the people that think that they are victims of economic inequality think that they deserve to be equal in everything. That they don't have to work for anything and should just be given whatever. It's hard work and dedication that brings prosperity. You may not always be rewarded for your hard work,but it never goes unnoticed. Everything you do now that seems so hard will be worth it in the long run. You will get rewarded for hard work. The ones who complain about the inequality seem to be the ones who make up the large population of the unemployed, uneducated, and lazy. Maybe if they learned what hard work was and job was they would become prosperous and change their views on economic inequality. Nothing should be given to anyone, you have to earn it!

  18. I agree with all of the above posting. To achieve success you must work and stay focused on your goals of happiness. Economic equality is not a black and white situation. It is all hues of gray and in-between. As seen on CNN, families with lower incomes are having a extremely hard time sending their kids to college or can not afford to send their children to college at all, while families with incomes 90k and up can send their children to the college of their choice. We all know that education is the key to success and a college education is the key to economic equality. Education is where inequality becomes black and white.

  19. I guess it depends on how people determine their own happiness. Some people are happy when they are just given hand-outs, others are more happy when they earn what they have. I would have to think that people who want more equality are those who don't want to work to get ahead. Take this as an example: A kid just turned 18 and he still doesn't own his own car, but he has been working really hard for a long time and saved up a good deal of money. Do you not think that if he buys a car for himself rather than his parents buying one for him out right that he will be happier? I think that the people who work for everything they own are the happiest. Besides, if everything were made equal no one would have the incentive to try to get ahead in life. That means no advancements would ever be made.

  20. Everyone is given an opportunity for success in America, some just more than others. Its what you do with that opportunity that makes the difference in our individual economic success.

  21. Everybody in the United States is given an equal opppurtunity to have success in whatever they do. Its what they think is right for them if they want to succeed economically.

  22. Call me old fashioned, but you have to work hard to get what you want. Unless your an hieress, but then how often does that happen right? And in this day and time there are so many opportunities for everyone. The are scholarships for minorities, women, and almost any type of hardship that you can think of. There is always a way to get what you want and you can always find people to help you along the way. But success isn't just handed to you, you have to go out and get.

  23. If anyone receives anything in life, work was done to make it happen; therefore, those who complain about the "gift" are the ones who don't work for others. If one works hard, fruit will fall from their tree of labor. Everyone is given an oppotunity to succeed in what they do no matter what position they are tied to.

  24. I know that I have found that I only stay ahead if I keep working hard and leave no time to slack off. Hard work is the key in life.

  25. You have to work hard in life to be able to enjoy the nice things in life. I do not beleive in hand outs. Yes sometimes we need help just like big companies but you need to work even harder to get back on your feet.

  26. It is true that we are offered many opportunities to get ahead in our lifetimes but only a few people ake advantage of them. If you have worked hard but not been wise with your money, you will be broke and not realize it is your own fault. On the other hand, if you work hard and you are wise, you can live the American Dream.

  27. This is the United States of America, "the land of oppertunity", quit complaining! The people who sit around and openly act like a victim of economic inequality are the people who are either to lazy to make something out of their lives or for whatever reason think someone owe's them something and want to be spoon fed throughout life. Hard work isn't a guarantee that you will have a dream life. However, I believe that if you put in the effort then at the end of the day you will have a fulfilled life, one with purpose and even if your not living luxuriously you will be living well. Everyone has the right to "the persuit of happyness" but the real question is who will take the initiative to pursue that happyness whole heartidly and with all of their being.

  28. Well, i pretty much agree with everyone else. Hard work has its rewards, and the more effort you put into it the greater your outcome will be. Those who complain about income inequality should stop complaining and go work hard, and if that doesn't get you harder.

  29. This once again goes back to the basic ideals of objectivism. We should not rely on others, and others should not rely on us. We have opportunity, and should not be required to lend out our hard work or money to someone else. If we feel the need to and it is our choice then so be it, but we do not need to have a government in place demanding this of us. We must carve our own path and rely solely on ourselves to make whatever we choose in this life.

  30. I won't try to speak from experience; I'm still very young and, well, inexperienced. However, I can offer my observations.

    As a member of a lower-class family, I have observed feelings of low mobility and economic inequality. The immediate consensus seems to be that of economic mobility being an illusion. But as I grow older, I find myself leaning nearer the other side. When I dig for truth, I often see clouded goals or -- more often than not -- simple laziness.

    I choose not to follow the same path, and I will not. Where there's a will, there's a way, and in our country, where we've got it better than most others, the odds aren't very often stacked insurmountably against the little guy. You just have to truly and honestly try.

  31. Everyone knows the saying "hard work pays off" its the most honest and literal and obvious saying out there. Those who choose to do nothing will be nothing. Those with dreams and ambitions that are not afraid to fail every now and then are the only ones who succeed. Of course there are hardships and conflicts in life, but if you fall you need to get right back up and try again. The only way to get anywhere in this world is to work hard. We have the opportunity to live in a free world and have free will. Nothing can be handed to you, you have to be willing to work and earn what you want.
