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Brooks Wilson's Economics Blog: Michelle Malkin and the Nanny State

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Michelle Malkin and the Nanny State

Michelle Malkin hits the nail on the head in the second paragraph of “Government Duties vs. Big Nanny Moralizing.”

-- New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Two feet of snow paralyzed trains, buses, plows and emergency vehicles in the Big Apple this week. Perhaps if Bloomberg -- the nation's top self-appointed municipal food cop -- spent more of his time on core government duties instead of waging incessant war on taxpayers' salt, soda, trans-fat and sugar intakes, his battered bailiwick would have been better equipped to weather the storm.

Besides Bloomberg, Malkin names of other officials who know how those they represent should live their lives and are willing to spend taxpayer money to force Americans into that straight jacket lifestyle.  Her list includes Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, the city of Cleveland, the architects of Obamacare, Michelle Obama, Republican Mike Huckabee.   

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