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Brooks Wilson's Economics Blog: Union Violence

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Union Violence

Stan Maddux writing for The News-Dispatch in "Olive Garden picketing escalates," describes union violence against a firm that won a bid against union workers.

MICHIGAN CITY - Union members Monday continued picketing an Olive Garden restaurant construction site, and again things turned ugly...

Since the picketing began about five weeks ago, vehicles have been dented and some tires have been slashed, he said...

Derek Engineering General Contractors, Cincinnati, was awarded the contract to build the restaurant.

"The unions bidded on this job and their bid was too high. Don't take it out on us," said Dolata...

Recently, Campbell vowed the demonstrations would continue until the union tradesmen are working jobs at the site.

"They got to do what they got to do and we got to do what we got to do. We're just exercising our rights," Campbell said.

Do we really want to see noncompetitive bidders intimidate the businesses that would hire them or the workers that would compete against them? Do we really want to pay higher taxes to support police who now must supervise work sites? Do we want to pay higher prices for products that must be made by union workers or products that have higher prices because nonunion firms must protect workers from union violence?


  1. I dont think this is right. People who are providing work shouldnt have to worry about being intimidated by the workers they are paying. Not that it should be the other way around either, but its just not right. Or ethical for that matter. Unions and firms need to seek more efficient means of collective bargaining. Violence should not have to be tolerated by either side. And we the consumers should definently not have to pay more money to fix a problem that could friendily be fixed. I shouldnt have to pay higher taxes because someone else is too fickle to decide how to address an issue or how to address a problem. Strikes are affective to prove a point as long as it dosent resort to violence or hurt the consumers. We are civilized people here. Unions and firms need to agree on the terms of employment. Violence in any shape should not be used as a form of activism against an idea.
    Warren Burns

  2. If this is how the union acts with what little supervision is left, just imagine what will happen when it is all superficial. The argument that unions are a type of cartel is undeniable in this case, where if it isn't done by a union it won't get done at all.
    Lisa Huffhines

  3. Darlene Gorgan6/5/09 12:14 PM

    Why should we as consumers have to pay for the protection and safety of workers? There shouldn't be a problem in the first place. Unions only create problems. They are the "bullies" in the society and non-union members are the "victims."
