For those who wish to see a comedic take on Mankiw's "Ten Principles of Economics," I have linked to Yoram Bauman, the stand-up economist. Yes, he does have a Ph.D. The video is a little over five minutes.
This is a very humorous approach to the Ten Principles of Econimics, however in some ways true. As in Principle number 2) The cost of something is what you give up to get it. Bauman states he would translate this into: Choices are really bad, I would have to agree. No matter what choice you have in economics, either is going to cost you whether you like the price or not. So , in short, choices are costly.
I am Brooks Wilson an Instructor of Economics at McLennan Community College in Waco, Texas, and I hold a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from the University of California at Davis.
I created this blog to allow my students, past and present, to learn economics above and beyond what they learn in class, and to meet others interested in economics.
I am grateful for every reader who could ignore my blog and read those maintained by great economists like Gary Becker, Richard Posner, James Hamilton, Menzie Chinn, Russ Roberts, Brad DeLong, and others.
This is a very humorous approach to the Ten Principles of Econimics, however in some ways true. As in Principle number 2) The cost of something is what you give up to get it. Bauman states he would translate this into: Choices are really bad, I would have to agree. No matter what choice you have in economics, either is going to cost you whether you like the price or not. So , in short, choices are costly.